What is my team and I’s ‘confidence-inspiring vision of the future’ for our client? What does that look like? At this point of our VP2 journey, can we clearly paint a picture of what they vision for their future? And are providing offer’s that are complimentary and helpful to progressing that vision forward?
Whew! So, when I read the article by Sarah Clayton titled, Change Management Meets Social Media, in which I pulled the above quote from, I knew that this is the type of offering I want to be able to deliver. One that is clearly researched, bold, based in empathy and confident. Which at the time of reading Clayton’s article, my VP2 team and I had a great call with our client and it was because of our well thought out and space for hearing their vision, that we delivered a great practice pitch to the owners. I think we all sighed a sigh of relief when our relationship with our client seemed to take a turning point and we are in a flow of empathy development and brainstorming. IT WAS AWESOME to see this shift transpire and that our hard work was contributing to the success of this venture with them.
What about you, can you paint a clear confidence inspiring vision of the future for your client? If not quite yet, what are some questions, research and/or development that needs to take places to see that shared vision?
Which leads me into what I loved about this week….
What did I love this week?
- I loved attending some great team meetings. We prioritized connection, took time to get ahead on some prototyping, and were focused in on research to build further interview questions for our client’s at S&T Window Films.
- I loved experiencing the power of research to build a STRONG offering and why that matter’s. Research played a huge role in our clients vision and this focus pin pointed a clearer direction of what the next steps we needed to take were.
- I had a real-time job interview this past week for a dream job in Atlanta this summer and BECAUSE of what I have learned and gained in this class I GOT IT. 🙂 I used the BIC to build a pitch for the position and I felt so confident going into the meeting!!!
What resonated with me in this week’s workshop?
During Nicole’s (queen of networking according to Meg) workshop, I resonated when Nicole expressed that networking is a practice like anything you want to learn and get good at. I love this way of looking at networking because most of the time it is uncomfortable at first and intimidating! BUT viewed as practice I can reframe the intimidating but seeing network as something I get stronger at the more I put myself in those positions.
I’m all about that! Try it over and over again until it seems that the flow of conversation and introductions feels exciting and smooth.
How might I apply this week’s learning to my venture?
I’ve been loving using the tool of “mapping” in relation to research and vision. Below I’ve included a video representation of the “mapping” I did while researching LinkedIn and brainstorming as I went how this could be REALLY beneficial to our clients needs.
I used the OneNote webclipper to store images while researching and the whiteboard app on the Surface pro to pull it all together 🙂
Have you guys used the webclipper at all?! IT’S SO HELPFUL.
During a client interview last week I shared this research and the owner’s found a lot of value in the research and how it was laid out. I will def be using “mapping” for all different area’s of research throughout my courses at WWU.
Hi Kristina,
It was so nice to hear that you felt like you took a turn with your client and were able to really foster that open space for your team to really hear their vision and empathize with that. I also really like the ideas of the cards that get your VP2 team to really work together end get to know and care about one another. I have team meeting today so I look forward to trying to connect with them a little more and maybe ask the question on the card you had in your picture. Great journal!
Its so awesome and inspiring to see how much your team and yourselves take the time to connect and become more than just this little project team. That’s so awesome you guys are creating an atmosphere to allow yourself to be comfortable, creative, and inspired what else would you need, simply awesome. I also really like the focus and developmental knowledge that you guys have gained from going out to S&T Window Films, empathy has been guiding you guys and Im sure it will show. I really love the fear and freedom quote you added in, it really sparked with me right now because with my whole venture Im looking at how I can kick start this off this summer, Im ready to jump in head first to start making path way with Nuestro taco, Im confident behind the idea, I have the skills needed, and the interviews have guided me to prove this is a want! The freedom I seek is me being my own boss and succeeding at it.
Best wishes,
Saul M.
You’re inspiring me to get back into OneNote here! That was all I used for my Physics classes senior year and honestly I remember it being really nice. Your mapping looks fabulous and as usual your blog post is truly a delight. It is so great to see the care you put into your team and into your work with the client, super stoked for you guys. I also love the incorporation of WNRS into your VP2 teams meetings, I love that game!
Lastly, congrats on the freaking Atlanta dream job, that is so awesome Kristina! The way you show up and give your all for this community is so dang inspiring and I am so overjoyed that the the fruits of your labor are surfacing in your life.
Hey Kristina!
I really like what you wrote about mapping for this weeks learnings. I have been trying to use it a little bit as well and it is something that can be super helpful when laying out ideas and bringing them all together. I also really like the cards you guys are using as a group to get to know each other. Knowing each other on a personal level will always improve the group dynamic and in turn, allow you all to work better together to create a better project. I also think it’s awesome that you have found that the skills you have learned in this class were able to help you in a real life job interview. That’s awesome! Good luck this week on everything you are working on!