Hi Guys!
This past week I have been working on a few projects including a grant proposal, a sociological paper on racial inequality in the teacher workforce and our VP2 consulting project. WHEW. Is anyone else feeling like they are learning a ton but a little shaky on keeping all these projects in balance?! Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how you manage multiple studies.
I wanted to share this AWESOME TEDx talk with Bill Burnett, a Stanford professor, on steps to using prototypes to design one’s future. I love the vocabulary he uses in regards to what we are learning in the entrepreneurship program. Goal setting is such a powerful tool and using an entrepreneurship mindset to architect a new type of goal setting really hit home.
“Designers spend their days dreaming up better products and better worlds, and you can use their thinking to re-envision your own life.”
Bill burnett
I would highly recommend taking the time to both watch the TEDx talk AND using some of the prompts to both reflect on your E&I venture AND your life outside of the program. I’ve attached some of the reflections I completed as an example.
What does your process look like when designing prototype ideations in regards to both academic ventures and life ventures?

“In our language, prototyping is a way of asking interesting questions.”
Bill Burnett
What am I going to do to exceed the standards this quarter? And why does it matter to me?
1. I’m really inspired to brainstorm a list of interesting questions to ask our VP2 client for the next meeting. I know that this would result with ideations/ideas/innovations that would exceed the standards.
2.I want to finish strong with delivering an actionable and real time offering that will serve both the client and their needs/pains.
3.I am going to begin the Business Report this week so that I’m not rushing through it a couple days before and not presenting the hard work we all put into this project.
Between now and Final Pitches, what traction steps do I need to make?
Traction Steps:
1.I would love to talk to one more current business owner, who regularly interacts with LinkedIn to help boost business, and gain some insight to their why’s behind this.
2.Block out time to focus in on the intention behind our final pitch and ask if the current pitch is concise enough to be heard by all.
3.PRACTICE. I am a huge fan of practicing. Practicing breeds confidence.
Personal Goals/Ventures:
1.I have began ideation for how I want to share all the adventures/work/experiences this coming summer in Atlanta will bring. I can’t wait to use the tools and connections I have gained in this course to do so. If anyone knows how to create a website I would highly appreciate your help/guidance! I have a BIG vision and BIG dreams for how I desire to show up on the internet. (I borrowed this phrase from Gavin because it’s fantastic.)

2.I would love to start up a MailChimp newsletter to send out every Saturday starting with the introduction of the internship I will be working for. I love MailChimp and ironically they are based in ATL as well. Do you guys have any experience with their interface?
3.JUMP. I’m all in for LIFE this summer.

Your blog has been such a joy to keep up with this quarter, I absolutely love the questions posed through the Bill Burnett TED talk and it was so relevant, both for the venture and for life. This quarter has opened a bunch of space for reflection and really committing to that intentional design journey moving forward and this traction blog has been a big touchpoint and check in on that endeavor, so props to you for producing such great material that’s really given me something to step away and reflect on as an audience member (quality content :D)! I think your traction goals are SMART and your pitch was awesome, so hyped on the work your VP2 group has done this quarter, you guys have done some great work. Best of luck wrapping things up these next couple weeks and with the multitude of projects you’ve got coming up in the summer!
All the best,
Gavin 🙂
Whew is the perfect way to describe this quarter in all aspects there just feels to be none stop things to do daily that it gets overwhelming for sure, I have personally been working deeper with my venture and speaking to professionals that serve my current work and my goal has been to potentially network with them and get help from them, its been working great but now I have meetings with them too attend and its been a stretch trying to finish VP2, taking care of coming finals and having work on the side. But one things for sure we have to keep pushing and grinding to see the benefits at the end and by the way it sounds you have been managing it all this quarter and I just wanted to say don’t give up and keep persevering there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I really liked that last quote, “When it feels scary to jump, thats exactly when you jump” because I’ve recently felt really nervous and scared of not being able to start something as big as my venture vision but realizing it all we should take that leap of faith and embrace out fears because that will be the only true way of uncovering our potential.
Best wishes,
Saul M.