“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO
How did pitch go?
Pitch went great! I think for the most part my team and I were relaxed, prepared and rehearsed. We had spent the previous couple days spending a lot of time revising, editing and practicing the pitch deck. Pitch went smoothly, with little error and the feedback we received was really strong and taken to heart as we move forward in delivering our offering to our clients. Compared to my experience pitching VP2 as an E1 last quarter, it was such a cool experience to see the growth already as an entreprenur student. I’m excited to continue growing in this field of study.
What do I need to do from now until VP2 is due?
“Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Always be cultivating a support network so that when you stumble — and you will — they’ll be there to catch you.”
Claire Wasserman, CEO & Founder of Ladies Get Paid
1.Luckily I have a great support network within the E&I program so asking for help doesn’t seem like something I should be ashamed of, rather it is encouraged! I plan on reaching out to a couple peers to review my LinkedIn prototype before submission.
2.Spend 2 hours/day working through our team’s master checklist that we created using GoogleKeep.
3.Ask my teammates if they have the time to come together and do a couple workshop zoom sessions to propel as forward.
What feedback did we receive?
The feedback that we received was along the lines of content structure. A couple of the community coaches mentioned introducing who we are as a team and consulting business in the introduction rather than saving this for the end. Which, made so much sense and it wasn’t until they brought it to our attention that we were like OHHHHH!!! Okay, yes that would benefit how we got our information across in a much more concise manner. Feedback also included that we better communicate who are client was and our relation to them and WHY we were a good fit for them and their customers. The feedback was great and much appreciated.
Wow seems like everything is under control and well organized as you continue to follow your master checklist so thats very awesome to hear! Glad you appreciated and will take into account the feedback you received, this will defiantly influence the delivery of your suggestions to your clients! I really hope that these last coming days aren’t as stressful for yourself and the group, you guys have done an amazing job this whole quarter, take care.
Saul M.
The goals you are setting to finish the quarter strong sound really solid, and I am excited for you and your team to bring this project around to a head and tie everything together. I really like the quote you included from Claire Wasserman, the community is such a key element to finding success. You’re doing such great work Kristina, keep it up!
all the best,