“Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”
John Wooden
I am a hugeeeee John Wooden fan. If you don’t know who John Wooden is I would HIGHLY recommend looking into his philosophies on what it means to be a coach and to be a part of a team. I’ve read multiple of his books and I am constantly going back and re-reading his thoughts of wisdom.

BMC Workshop Reflection

What surprised me about the canvas workshop was how fun and helpful it was to work through the BMC with my peers. I’d never thought of the BMC in relation to what would be a strong order in regard to the segments. It was helpful because when I go to work through my own venture’s BMC it helps to organize the work and research that needs to get done.
Our team was a little off when we first tried to order the segments, but our intentions were good. LOL. I would like to grow with the BMC by practicing. I’m still a little intimidated by the process but practice will help so much with those fears.
The teaching team said the top 4 were as follows (in order):
Customer Segments
Value Prop
Customer relations
Guest Speaker: Arathi Rammapa

My biggest takeaway was how strong her facilitation skills are at group discussions. I love how she made the group feel that each of our questions were valid and appreciated. Arathi spent the time listening to the question and responded with empathy, understanding, and movement. Which makes sense because she stressed multiple times how a great coach, knows how to respond with great questions. But this was a huge takeaway for me, especially as a coach myself AND our E4 Shift and Share presentation coming up which is also meant to be a practice of facilitating a group.
Whew, what is coaching to me? Coaching to me is, listening. And then listening again. Coaching is self -love. The most important thing I think you can do is a coach is to one that is self-loving. That way you can bring a space of safety and compassion to all those that you work with. It’s so important that you be constantly working on your own healing just as much as your clients are.
In this program I think the coaching aspects really have the program stand apart from others. I’ve always really valued being able to go to the upper levels and the teach team with questions and feel comfortable doing so. I believe regardless of the program/subject coaching should be included. The impact of quality coaching is unmatched to one’s success and growth.
I would love to see more one on one coaching. Possibly, assigning a personal coach/mentor to every E1 and then build from there.
“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”
John Wooden
Kristina I love the quotes you always point out in your journals. They inspire me! I need to be more intentional about writing down the quotes I hear. What you shared about Arathi not being scared to pivot is amazing. I think we all need to incorporate a little bit of that confidence into our own lives!