How are we nearing the end of the quarter already?! Like, what?! LOL. Do you guys feel a similar way?? This quarter has been a huge learning curve and what I’m realizing more and more is how prevalent this above quote is. It’s like without the courage, ESPECIALLY in entrepreneurship and pitching, courage is the key. Courage is the key to showing up for what you want to bring into the world, including your innovations, products, big ideas, services, etc.. And like anything courage takes practice. Courage takes vulnerability and courage takes the acceptance that you will fail. In gymnastics one could even say that practice is failing. A gymnast falls the majority of practice. But it’s in that falling that she finds the treasure. Such a powerful reminder as I move into spring quarter and my biggest and boldest hopes for my venture.
I’ll repeat the quote here:
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
Brene Brown
What is your cave?
Do you feel like your interviews were successful? Why or why not?
The interviews BY FAR have been my strength of the venture 2 project. I was able to interview 20 + coaches in the field of gymnastics alone and these have not just been coaches, but some of the top leaders in the sport. Connecting with my community of gymnastics leaders has been incredible and really inspiring. I’ve learned a lot from these conversations that I would have never had it if wasn’t for this project and journey. Also learning what types of questions are successful versus which one don’t hold the same impact has been HUGE.
What would you do differently next time?
What I would do differently next time is:
- Record each interview on zoom as if it were a filmed podcast
- Send the questions beforehand to the interviewee
- Send a follow up survey after each interview
Some VP2 Inspiration
I HIGHLY recommend watching this TEDTalk. It is INCREDIBLE. I’ve attached the video and the mind map notes I took on the video. This is a huge inspiration to how I want to lead in both life and my venture within the lives of young women.
“If no one told them today they love them, we do and ALWAYS will.”
Linda Wayman, TEDTalk

Coach K! This journal is amazing! Courage is an important, amazing, and wild thing. I also loved looking at your mind mapping. I have been practicing mind mapping sense we taught it in shift and share and it honestly has been a game changer. Thank you for your wisdom always!