“Part of the problem is that we tend to think that equality is about treating everyone the same, when it’s not. It’s about fairness. It’s about equity of access.”
― Judith Heumann, Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist

Hey guys! HIGHLY recommend the book above. It is an incredible read. And is super relatable to our Accessibility Challenge for VP1. Any book recommendations please send them my way 🙂 What are you reading?
Also please reach out if you want to connect,
How’s it going with your team?
Our VP1 team dynamic has been successful. I think many of us on the team have a passion for human centered entrepreneurship and a drive to innovate in unique ways. Our team traction journal has been a strong way to keep us on track and intentional with each meeting. Over the past 5 quarters I FINALLY learned that keeping a team traction simple is SO much more effective than trying to over complicate and over control in regard to keeping a journal of our traction. By keeping the team traction journal simple we have a really in-depth story of our process throughout this venture project. We’ve have been consistent in recording, and I think the simplicity plays a huge role in that success.
Our team traction journal here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BPNGtEBVlXnu-xp53O73u62i5sZ2BbkTWGeT5hCcR54/edit?usp=sharing
One of the variables that we could improve on is all prioritizing team meetings. And I’m not sure how to better motivate/inspire others to feel that same dedication. Just moving forward, I’d love to reflect and talk to the upper E-levels about this.
The team has been AMAZING at showing up for each the delegated tasks and delivering. It has made this process almost feel like a breeze. VP1 goes by so fast. I think that will a topic such as accessibility it might be worth looking into awarding more time in the ideation phase.
How’s it going with the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills?
Each quarter my evidence-based entrepreneurship skills improve. For sure. The Design Thinking Model is something I return to with each quarter and with a better understanding. I could really improve on using the model from the very beginnings of ideation and continue to evolve with it throughout each venture.
How’s it going discovering a new accessibility opportunity?
Our VP1 team chose to address the barrier of time and how the downtown spaces were creating barriers by no available late night study options. Most of our research told us that students were staying at home to study because there were no options past 8pm. Even the WWU library closes at 8PM. We thought about how we could provide solutions that promoted more time spend downtown and accomplishing the goals of students.
Where are you feeling need for support at this point in the quarter?
This quarter I would love some support early on with VP2. I’m excited to take on my E5 quarter but my main intention is to learn from the previous quarter.
Other Relatable Things 🙂
To women: Keep your hand raised.
Shery Sandberg | Why we have too few women leaders
Kristina!! That team traction journal was so fun to look at! I really enjoyed it. I am definitely going to take note of that as a way to stay organized through out a venture. Also we need to catch up soon! I really could use all of the book recommendations and self care tips. Hope all is well!
I LOVEEEE your use of the quote and the choice as well! This hand will stay raised and hopefully yours does too! 😉