Thanks for checking in with this week’s traction journal. Here’s your sign that everything is going to be okay and you’re doing awesome. Sometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed, I think “brick by brick” LOL. It helps me to break down tasks in a way that doesn’t seem so intimidating. Or when I don’t think little action steps are making a difference when really all the steps forward matter. Just a little something I thought I would share.
Let’s connect,
Jobs To Be Done Workshop
This is my E5 quarter and I’m still learning how and why JTBD statements are really helpful for discovering customer pains. I remember my E1 quarter when the workshop was led over zoom, and I remember thinking this is amazing, but it’s been a bit tough coming back to that understanding. So for the case of this prompt and VP2 I did a little extra research on JTBD statements and this has been helpful. This definition below is an example of what I found:
“Jobs to be Done is about the clear understanding of the underserved pain points of the customer, this alone is a vast improvement over alternative approaches since it does not rely on luck and avoids wasting time and money on irrelevant or suboptimal alternatives.” Jobs to be Done Framework, Examples and Statements (JTBD) (digitalleadership.com)
Oh and this!:
“Theodore Levitt famously said, “Customers don’t want a drill, they want a hole in the wall.” Instead of focusing on developing a better drill, we should concentrate on the actual problem.” Jobs to be Done Framework, Examples and Statements (JTBD) (digitalleadership.com)

Ugly But Tasty
I was really proud of the work I put into UBT. Not only that but it felt so powerful to talk about something that means everything to how I’m trying to serve and show up in the world. I also felt SUPER grateful for the feedback. There are def somethings factors that need to be looked a closer but having got your back coaching helped to put better light onto those things.
Change Leadership
Change Leadership always comes at the best time. I’m going through a period that requires some reflection and CL has specifically carved out that time to make that reflection happen. I’m excited to share more about this quarter’s project soon.
Oh! As I’ve been working through the prompts, I was inspired to create this quick vision board diagram of the next 6 months 🙂

Other Relatable Things 🙂

I feel lost in class as an E1 even though I’m we’re in person so I can only imagine it was hard to be an E1 over Zoom. What was that experience like and how does it compare to the in person workshop we have now?