Hey guys!
Whewwww. This is week 6?! How are you doing? How’s your heart?
I follow this IG profile called notes on napkins and I LOVED, “Be aggressive about your future.” The mantra just made me feel inspired and hyped to go after what I want to see evolve. How do you feel about this mantra?
Rooting for you as we move into week 7!
Evidence Pitch Day
Customer Empathy
So, customer empathy is VITAL to the venture I’m taking on and there hasn’t been one interview that I’ve conducted that wasn’t full of emotion, pains and a call for some sort of help/guidance. My target market is the gymnastics community and how I can create a solution to the pains currently being experienced in gym environments. A couple days ago I was fortunate enough to interview a D1 college gymnast from Florida State. The interview ended up being almost 2 hours long and this interview alone greatly supported many of my main thesis’s to what is happening in the current culture of gymnastics. And a lot of it is painful and it need of healing, safe solutions.
This was a really powerful quote I wanted to highlight here:
For me it was just my coach. Gymnastics is really hard, the training is really hard, missing out on life outside the gym is really hard. I was 100% on board for all of it. I was that kid that would do anything that my coach said. Which looking back I wish I wouldn’t have.
Vanasia when asked, “What was the hardest part about being an elite gymnast?”
Evidence Gathering
Still have a lot of secondary research to support designing a new twist on gymnastics culture and an actual physical gym space. I’m going to spend the next couple days conducting further interviews and online research.
Week 6
Big Goals:
- Interview Coach DeAvera
- Interview The Campbell’s at Kids Gym USA
- Secondary research doc development
- Organize evidence locker
- Meet with Tara on Friday for some coaching/guidance

Other Relatable Things 🙂
The Technium: 103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known (kk.org)
101 Ways to Get Outside This Spring | Apartment Therapy
P.S. I found all of these links from my FAV email newsletter subscription (free) called Creative Mornings. I LOVE their emails.
It recently started to hit me that the older members of my family had purposes to strive for in life set by economic, geographical, chronological circumstances. I’m living in a time and place with the financial support to pursue whatever I want but that very option leaves me with anxiety moratorium. I feel like the mantra,”Be aggressive about your future,” is so true for me for this reason. It reminds me to not be shy about what I want because anything is within reach.
That is so crucial to acknowledge! Anything we set ourselves up for is so attainable if we just keep pushing for it and not give up! It may take some time but it will be worth it
Kristina, I love the notes on the napkin! I especially like the first one, “be aggressive about your future” is a great mantra!
Kristina, I love those notes on the napkins! I especially like the quote “Be aggressive about your future”, it’s a great mantra!