Pitch Prep

My amazing VP1 team, as we practice seeking our entrepreneurship goals and dreams!

Meeting every night this past week, my VP1 team and I have met up on Zoom, and have had the opportunity to get to know each other. Four out the five of us are E1’s so being able to navigate the beginnings of this course with them has been extremely helpful and supportive.

This week, with its Zoom meetings, has been such a great way to ease into the dynamics of this Entrepreneurship and Innovation program, with the support of our coaches.

Through teamwork and leadership we created a whole rebrand project including the conduction of interviews/surveys, BIC’s (Big Idea Canvas’s), prototypes, new logo design, set target markets and created a pitch deck. The pitch deck is what we presented to the whole of the program.

I have learned SO much this week. Specifically tools that are useful for the organization and success of a pitch and also the organization of a team.

More to come,


Our team’s inspiration board for the rebrand of the brand Schwinn.

One comment

  1. Wow, you must have a really cool and interesting team. I like your logos and ideas. Your process of creating a inspiration wall is very helpful for ideation. Great post, keep up the good work!

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