Social Media Trends


What We Noticed

In our research we found some thing surprising and entirely unexpected. Most people felt that social media was not negatively impacting their mental health. While this was self reported and not necessarily the most reliable information, we still though that mental health would trend downward when compared to social media use.

Interestingly enough though, most people also said that they would be better off without social media consuming so much of their lives. This relates to our findings that social media use leads to people getting less sleep because they stay on their phones. A lot of people see the benefits of social media for communication, but think that in the end they are better off communicating in the real world.

Overall we found that while it does impact some people negatively, most people find social media to have a positive impact in their lives. Most people would recommend, for both themselves and others, that they focus a little less on their phones and be more involved in their surroundings.