Social Media Trends


What People Think…

“The thing about social media is that most of the time only the good is posted. We then start comparing our lives to the “good” that we see in social media. But it’s also a powerful tool for networking and influence. Our phones can be a valuable tool or it can be a time and happiness vampire.”


“I feel like we use social media as a way to see if you’re “good enough” yah know? So for example, if you get lots of views, or lots of likes, then you’ll feel good about yourself because you are appreciated. Where as if someone were to unfollow or unfriend you, it may hurt and make you feel bad because you weren’t good enough for them to care about what’s going on in your life. As stupid as that sounds.”


The Good: “Social media has made me happier with my relationships between myself and my friends as I’m able to see what they’ve been up to and share my own experiences better with them.”


The Bad: “It’s not hard to see what others are doing through social media. I think that at times, when I’ve wanted to go out, or be somewhere, and then I see someone that I follow doing what I wish I was, it can affect how my emotions, and cause me to feel more anxious or lonely.”


The Ugly: “I would die” (without social media)