What did you love this week?
I really enjoyed the mini-pitches. Working with a small group to make a pitch for something that was already given to us was really fun. I especially liked making little reptiles out of pipe cleaners. I always enjoy working with my venture group as well, I think we are making good progress on our project and it is exciting to see it start to come together.
Another thing I loved this week was Halloween! It was really fun to dress up and be with friends and dance. I missed going to parties like that. Halloween parties might be my favorite kind of party. Or ones with a theme. It makes everyone feel silly and it makes for great/easy conversation starters.

What resonated with you in workshops?
The customer profile was helpful to break down. It was cool to see how you can work backwards from a product. It was also fun to use the jamboard to come up with loads of ideas for other ways a chip clip could be used and what the customer would look like for a simple item. It made me feel like I can come up with a customer profile fairly easily now and have fun with it.
How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?
Well, I will use what I learned from the customer profile workshop to create a customer profile. Now I know what I am looking for and how to do so. I will also try to have more fun with this project and not take it so seriously. I mean that as a good thing. I am still going to try hard and make something I can be proud of, but it might help take some of the pressure off.
What did you learn in shift and share- what did you love, what would you have loved to see?
I don’t know what this is. I think there was a problem on the calendar and this is for upper e-levels to answer.
I am glad you were able to decompress this weekend at a Halloween party. Although I am not a huge fan of Halloween, or parties, I can totally understand why it would be fun to dress up and act silly for a night. Creating a customer profile for our VP2 will be necessary, so I am glad you are comfortable making one.
I’m happy that everyone got a chance this year to hang out and have fun with friends on Halloween
James and the Giant Peach!! What an interesting and fun movie haha
That is the exact reason as to why I like customer journey maps and customer profiles. They help you figure out some aspects of your business almost like working backwards. I think those are great tools and I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
Hey Sophie! It was fun to have worked with you on the WWHTBT pitches! The customer profile workshops have been helpful for me as well because I tend to get caught up in my head about finding my customer that I sometimes forget to just listen to them. Your customer has all the information you need to develop your venture and it’s nice to be reminded of that.