What did you see that you loved at pitches this week?
I really enjoyed the E4 presentations. It showed me what they can look like after you’ve put more than a quarter of work into it. I thought they both did a great job and it was really thorough. I think that working on something that you are more passionate about or is more personal to you is easier to do than the E1 vp2. It felt like we didn’t have a lot of guidelines so that was a learning curve in itself. But overall I felt my group did a really good job presenting and I felt we were well prepared and rehearsed. We learned some good things and I am happy with how we did based on our level in the class. Although I would have liked a bit more guidance. Or some pointers earlier on from the teaching team. I felt like I didn’t entirely know what was expected of me. But like I said I think we did well with what we knew and had to go off.
The other E1’s had some really cool ideas that I thought were really innovative and different. It was fun to see the creativity and thought put into it. But it also seemed like they weren’t entirely sure what was expected of them either. I am sure we will learn if we continue with the program.
What went well this quarter?
I really enjoyed working with my vp2 group. We got along really well and meetings were usually easy-going and enjoyable. We worked well together and I think that made things smoother overall. I also enjoyed the community in class a lot. I felt like the students were eager to help us fit in and give us tips when we asked. Everyone was kind, open-minded, and open-hearted it was nice to be a part of. I also enjoyed the networking that we did recently I felt like I learned the most that day in class it was awesome to be able to fire question after question to the coaches and get an elaborate well thought out answer every time.
I also thought that the mix between zoom and in person was pretty nice actually, I liked being able to stay home and be in comfy pants especially if it was rainy. It saved me a wet 20-minute walk home which I was a-okay with.
This week I just rested a lot and slept and ate yummy food. I was excited about it. My body and mind were tired so it was nice to relax before the home stretch of the fall quarter.