What are you going to do to exceed the standards this quarter?
I am hoping that our prototype that Harrison has been hard at work on will put us over the edge a smidge. I think we can also make our learning journey video cool as well. Maybe make it sort of like a mocumentary? That could be funny and possibly make the video more engaging for us. I also hope that we will all be well prepared and ready to present with little to no flaws. Perhaps even the BIC’s and other maps could be really well thought out and detailed. We can make our evidence locker easy to use and free of clutter and well organized.
Why does it matter to you?
I want to show that I take this class seriously and I want to try hard and put in the effort. I also want my grade to show that I put in the time and effort this quarter to succeed. I want my work to reflect what I have put into it and myself as a student. I am a hard worker and I try hard. I want the things I make and do to represent that.
What jumps out to you in the VP2 rubric?
The evidence locker. It almost seems this is worth more than anything else we will be submitting. which makes sense because it shows everything we did over the quarter. But I would have thought that the final product or service would be graded higher. I suppose it is a good thing it’s not because what if on the off chance the product isn’t ready or doesn’t work out, your grade would go down a lot which would be a bummer. So I understand that the evidence of how hard you worked on the project should be weighted more heavily.
I am a tad nervous… no not nervous. Antsy or eager to get the evidence locker up to par with the rubric. We have a lot to do to organize everything. I am not a huge tech nerd so I will definitely be asking my group to help me with that. They won’t mind though. We’re still a team until it’s over haha.
Where could you use support?
Maybe seeing an example of how the teaching team would like the evidence locker and all the files to be represented? There is a lot to turn in and I am a tad confused on what is supposed to go where and what needs to be included in what files etc.
What did you learn in shift and share- what did you love, what would you have loved to see?
I enjoyed seeing Lecoya (I hope I didn’t butcher that) present all the ways we could make prototypes online and what resources were good for what kinds of prototypes. I loved that they were able to share something they are passionate about with the class’s undived attention. I remember I had a really bad headache that got progressively worse throughout the class so I wasn’t very focused. So I guess I would have loved to have not had a headache! especially because investing is something I am interested in learning more about, but since I was more focused on my headache I didn’t retain a lot. Which is a bummer but that’s how it goes sometimes.
(Also, sorry you have to enter in a weird code and your email to post comments. Idk how to change it so if you do let me know!)
Something nice that happened this week was my roommates and I went on a midnight walk around the neighborhood. I took some neat photos in the dark with a setting I didn’t know my phone had. They aren’t awesome but I think they look kinda funky and cursed honestly. lol. Bonus points if you know where this house is.

Hey Sophie,
I am glad you have such a positive mindset in regards to growth in this class. Putting your best foot forward will truly allow you to shine in the coming quarters. I too am blown away by the grade distributed in the evidence locker. It makes it seem as if the pitch is of minimal importance. I guess that makes sense because all of the grit work and proof are put in the evidence locker.
Hey Sophie,
I like to hear you guys are trying your best to do the whole above and beyond thing. My little advice to you is find something about the project that you love and expand on that. Have some fun and get carried away with something you enjoy doing. That is the best above and beyond you can do. Expand on what interests you. If you love research, create and research document with a shit ton of stuff you find and make it actually accessible and whatnot. That is obviously just one small example but there is so much you can do!
Hello Sophie! It sounds like you are working hard this quarter! I agree with Bruno to try to find 1-2 (at most 3) areas that you want to go above and beyond it. You don’t have to have more of everything. Having meaningful changes and expansions to a few aspects of the project is better than a little extra on all of it! The evidence locker is fairly important to have well organized, and I think it’s a great idea for someone to show you all what it needs to look like (or could look like). If you want, I can take a look at it and give feedback on my navigation and understanding if that would be helpful!