I am super proud of my team! Everyone is working hard and doing all that they can to get this event up and running. We are all doing separate things to get ready but everyone is engaged and excited. One challenge we are facing at this point is just racing against the clock. We have a lot to do this week to get ready and we are depending on some outside sources to help us with finances so I am a little nervous about getting that done with enough time to spare. I don’t know if we are struggling with anything except time and making sure it all gets done. We didn’t have much we wanted help with last Wednesday. I suppose we could reach out to the teaching team but the website doesn’t have resources to help with time or getting others to respond. Otherwise, I’d look at the website.
Our plan of action at least for myself is to contact the businesses we are going to be working with and get them prepared for our scavenger hunt. I will need the help of all of my team to do this. We will also have to complete a mock hunt to make sure it works properly before Saturday. We will also have to collect the prizes from businesses, and set up the online transaction link through western. We have a lot to do this week! I am excited and nervous but if we continue to work together we will be able to pull off an awesome event!
Much shorter journal this week, I am super busy with the event and all that jazz. But here is one thing outside of E&I. My friend and I went to Seattle this last week and the sunset was beautiful. Also, Ducks!
Hi Sophie,
T-minus 5 days! I am glad you are so excited about the event – that always makes the process easier. We definitely have a lot to do but I know we will be able to pull through. The main things I believe are to get the ticket link working and have 10+ teams commit to the event. I hope Saturday goes well!
Hey Sophie!
Very exciting that the event is coming up soon! I am sure it’s very stressful, I hope that you are still able to be taking time for yourself to relax and take a break. Looks like the online transaction link is up and running– very impressive! How complicated was that to create?? I have a confession, whenever there are photos embedded in your traction journals they show up as blank squares with a – hyphen in the center. I’m not sure how well they work for other people viewing your journals. I hope that my photos show up for people, and I hope you find a way to make photos show up! Wishing you lots of luck with the scavenger hunt planning!
Thanks for letting me know I will have to figure that out! The link wasn’t hard to make (someone else does it for you at WWU) but definitely start the process earlier than we did. It was stressful with timing.
Hi Sophie!
I was super impressed with your teams progress and the work ya’ll put into the event. Events are really difficult (or that is how I felt doing mine at least, I can see how much work you all put into it. Time limits can get so stressful when you’re working with so many moving parts. Great job pulling it off!