
  • How far would you be willing to walk between scavenging sites? 
    • Keeping it within a mile, mile, and half radius. Otherwise, it will take too long to walk. 
  • What would be a good incentive for you to join the event? 
    • I mix of having prizes to find during the hunt. But like something larger at the end like a $25 gift card to somewhere local. 

These were some of our interview questions for our post prototype idea. This is from an interview with my roommate. We learned a lot and got some good feedback about how we could get people to want to come to our event and some of the specifics about it as well. I think they were very successful except maybe not asking people if they would come to our event, that wasn’t the greatest question we came up with. I also think I could have pried a little more or gotten more of an explanation out of my friends especially. Gotten them to be more honest maybe haha.

I feel like next time I am going to ask more questions to get a longer more informative answer out of people. I forgot to do that or simply didn’t want to do that sometimes so that is something I will be working on. I will also be working on talking to random people on campus instead of my go-to people. It can be hard sometimes to motivate myself to do that especially if I don’t make time for it.

What kind of question could replace the question “would you attend _____ event?”

Something extra:

We hosted our event this weekend on Saturday! We had a great turnout and got awesome responses and feedback. People seemed to have a really good time! It made me really happy. I feel like I did a lot for this project and I think it showed. I like event planning more than I thought I would, it was really rewarding.

3 thoughts on “TJ#9

  1. kessin March 7, 2022 / 6:39 pm

    Hi Sophie,

    CONGRATULATIONS. We did it! Bellingham Quest is complete. I am so proud of our team and all the hard work we put in – especially you! We definitely could have asked more people about our event, but given the time frame I feel like we did well for how overwhelmed everyone was. Let’s kill this pitch day!


  2. Jade C. W. March 8, 2022 / 1:15 am

    Hey Sophie!

    Yay!!!! Huge congrats for completing the event, y’all killed it! That’s super cool that you ended up enjoying event planning more than you thought. I bet it was super rewarding to see the vision come to fruition. I had a good time doing the scavenger hunt and was happy to support you guys. I think your interview process sounds great.


  3. renyl March 13, 2022 / 7:53 pm

    Hi Sophie!
    Definitely responded too late to this to give any advice that would help with the interview process, oops but I hope it all worked out and your team was able to gather some solid evidence for your venture. Also woohooo now you’re done and don’t have to do another event (unless you want to 🙂 ).

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