TJ #10 Last One! W22

I am not sure what day I felt the most traction. Obviously when we have in-class work time I get more done than when we don’t. I wish we had more of that. Especially so we can ask questions as we are working. I feel like more structure in that area would be helpful. Then we can get real-time coaching and receive help on a problem right then and there instead of after the fact which isn’t always helpful. I feel like that would help me more instead of some of the other things we do that I don’t understand how they relate to entrepreneurship like the IDI test (it was cool but I still don’t understand the direct correlation between my venture project and that). The guest speakers help me the most with my personal growth for sure, especially Arathi. (I hope I remembered her name).

The time I felt the most empowered is when I was walking around downtown collecting the prizes from the businesses and talking to them about what would happen on the event day. I felt like the main character like nothing would stand in my way. I was proud of myself at that moment for pulling all these places together and making it actually happen.

The time I felt most challenged this quarter was when we had to work with Western to put on an event. The school works too slowly for this class to use them to put on an event in only three months. It was a lot to ask and especially when the teaching team also wasn’t aware of the challenges we would be facing. It ate up a lot of our time. It was difficult and was really discouraging to have to pivot so many times because of issues with our own school. If we had a whole year we could have made something work but we didn’t so we did the next best thing! (Which worked out really well even with only a few weeks to plan it). That is pretty much the main reason we couldn’t do the other event ideas we wanted to do.

I don’t know what I want to see or know more about in the learning toolkit. I don’t use it very often at all if I am being honest. I think it’s a good recourse but I find that asking other students (when available) is easier and provides clearer quicker answers for me personally.

Overall, I like this class a lot, especially the people! I have made amazing connections with the teaching team and my classmates that I value a lot. I am excited to see how we can make the program even better and less confusing/stressful!

I hope everyone has a great spring break. And speaking of spring… here is my Tula bean in the spring sun to get us ready. Sunny days are on their way!


3 thoughts on “TJ #10 Last One! W22

  1. renyl March 13, 2022 / 7:56 pm

    Hi Sophie!
    I hope your dead week and finals are going well, so close to spring hang in there! I also enjoy being able to work in class since it is a lot easier to ask questions and get fast direct answers. It can also feel overwhelming to spend so much out of class time working on the venture project on top of the 2 hour class twice a week. My favorite part of the class is the people as well it makes everything a lot more fun and exciting:) Good luck on finals and have a great spring break!

  2. Nathan March 14, 2022 / 5:47 pm

    HI Sophie,

    It was so awesome working with you and the E2 team this quarter! We definitely learned a lot as a team and will absorb everything for the quarters to come. Good luck in E3 and beyond. I know you will kill it! Are you going to make a puppy venture? I see that happening. Or maybe a plant venture. Or a funky sock venture. You have options. Enjoy spring break!


  3. Jade Weston March 15, 2022 / 6:35 pm

    Hi Sophie!

    It’s been a great quarter! I would love to hear more about your experience working with Western on trying for an event, because my team will likely be trying to do that this coming quarter. I barely use the website as well if I’m being honest… That sounds like a very fun and empowering moment I’m glad to read about it. I agree that Arathi’s words helped me with personal growth. See ya next quarter!


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