Traction Journal #1 spring!

I am Sophie Bechkowiak (bich-ko-v-ak). I am a third-quarter student in the minor and in my career at Western. I transferred as a junior from Whatcom Community College and I am studying philosophy! I am thinking I might change my major to journalism and have philosophy become another minor instead. I would probably be really close to having a philosophy minor completed. I really like listening to podcasts about real-world stories, like This American Life, being a reporter for them has always been a secret hope of mine. This leads me to my hobbies, I really enjoy listening to podcasts and drawing and painting, but I haven’t been very inspired recently. I also like spending time outside especially at the beach.

I am in the entrepreneurship minor to get discover what I want to do as well as receive guidance and help along the way and hopefully graduate with a somewhat developed venture project. The first day was pretty good, very relaxing and chill. I was really hungry though because I didn’t time my meals so I dipped out a few minutes early while they tried to figure out socrative. I don’t think I need any more clarity. The cute tunnel we did for the e1’s was funny, I am sure we embarrassed them a little bit but I think if they come back next quarter will remember it.

To prepare for this quarter I am going to do what I normally do and keep up to date on my calendar and continue to use my whiteboard as a reminder for projects and homework. I might get a planner too and actually try to keep it up to date and use it regularly.

I don’t think I have any questions right now! So far so good. I expect to learn more about the tools in the program and how they work. I also expect to have a better understanding of my customer and how to actually do that. I also hope I will have a good idea for a venture because I have no ideas right now. But that is okay. 🙂

Out of E&I: I had the amazing opportunity to spend some time in Hawaii over break! I am super grateful for my trip, it was much needed after Winter quarter.

4 thoughts on “Traction Journal #1 spring!

  1. mccullj7 April 5, 2022 / 5:13 am

    Hey Sophie,

    I am also a big fan of podcasts, always listen while hiking. Goodluck this quarter! I have always been impressed by your pitching ability and I am excited to see what you do as an E3.

  2. Darren April 6, 2022 / 5:33 am

    Hi Sophie,

    I used to make fun of my dad for listening to podcasts but now I’m obsessed with them so I’m glad I’m not the only one. Podcasts are so interesting and they always enlighten me because you get new and different perspectives you may not have had before.

  3. Gabi April 6, 2022 / 4:12 pm

    Hey Sophie!
    That’s cool you’re studying philosophy! Hopefully inspiration comes your way in terms of your art! It’s frustrating when you have the itch to create, but no idea flow. Definitely know what that feels like. In terms of graduating with your developed venture project, would you ever consider maybe creating a podcast?

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