Pitch went well. I liked having it spilt between 2 rooms. It made it less intimidating. I think I did fine on pitch. I always like the E1 pitches, they are so creative and fun. I like the sustainability twist this quarter… provided them with more direction I think.
My phone might have cut out during the Q and A part but that’s fine, there is nothing I can do about that. I wish I had gone first because I really hate waiting. I also wish it was more organized about where I was supposed to send my pitch. I sent it everywhere until finally I was told I sent it to the right place. Also, Zoom wasn’t working for the mentors which was a pain. I just wanted to present and be done.
Not much resonated from pitch day. I basically just got a “job-well-done” from the mentors and that was it. Suppose it made me feel good though which was nice. 🙂
The event was cool. But it felt like the E2s were hardly in charge and had little to no say about what was going to happen. It seemed like they had so many restrictions on what they could do. It definitely felt like it was for E and I, not the E2s. I didn’t really connect with anyone, but I did talk to one gal selling plant cuttings. I wasn’t sure what was happening for the most part. I volunteered and sat at the front and welcomed people.
Support I need for wrapping up VP2 is someone explaining to me what a customer report is. No one told me what it is or what it should include. I wish things were explained more in this class. I know entrepreneurship is supposed to be kind of confusing and you’re supposed to figure it out on your own but this is a class, not the real world (yet). I think more guidance and mentoring from the teaching team and actual in-class work time would do wonders to correct this.
Something cool… I am helping put on the Naked Bike Ride this June! We are bringing it back after 2 years of the pandemic. It is on June 5th and is apocalypse themed haha. Should be a good time :))). Also, no one said anything but I guess my photos aren’t working, sorry ’bout that. But that’s okay I only have one more journal left.
Hi Sophie,
I agree and also wish somethings were explained more in-depth so we don’t feel as confused as much. There’s a lot in the course to get a grasp of and sometimes feel somethings are a bit neglected and not fully explained. The teaching staff are always very willing to answer all questions fortunately.
Hey Sophie,
I agree the pitch was unorganized. Glad it went well for you.
Hey Sophie!
I felt the same with the pitch. I wish I was able to pitch earlier, but unfortunately I suddenly lost wi-fi and couldn’t send it in to the right chat. I am glad the pitch is over. I agree that more explaining and work time would be helpful in this class. The things we do in class can be really fun or beneficial for ourselves, but a bit more one-on-one or teaching can be very helpful during class. I have heard of the Naked Bike Ride from a couple of places and I think it’s awesome that you are helping to put that together! Have a great rest of your week 🙂
Sophie Sophie Sophie. I am bummed that I didn’t get to see the final product. I was really excited to see it:( I hope all is well for you, I am sad I didn’t get to see you at flatstick. I will see you on campus, or maybe over summer somewhere? I will will it into existence.
Be well be well:)