Traction Journal 3

This quarter was good! The prompt felt more challenging. But I am feeling very burned out from fall and winter quarters I feel like I don’t have a lot of motivation right now. It was hard to find a problem to fix. I don’t observe a lot of disability or accessibility problems on a day-to-day basis. My team was good this quarter. I definitely think we could have met more often and maybe tasks could have been more equally distributed but overall it went fine :). Every quarter I learn more about entrepreneurship and what means to find quality evidence.

What I have learned about myself is that I need to put less on my plate. I also think I need to speak up a bit more as well. I can only do so much and it is important to work with my team!

For my next venture project, I will listen to my needs and work on getting quality evidence from my customer as well as learn more about them in the customer deep dive which I am excited to work on. This is important to me because it will help me build skills so in the future I don’t get taken advantage of and will help me build more confidence as well. Diving deep into the customer is important because it can be tricky to know if you really know all there is to know about the customer or not. It is important to make sure you are giving the customer exactly what they want and not shoving something down their throats.

Something extra:

I went camping on the beach this weekend. It was beautiful and so nice to get out of town for a bit!

3 thoughts on “Traction Journal 3

  1. Laura Rasmussen April 18, 2022 / 1:28 am

    Sofia I think your a amazing educator! I hear you with the burn out a bit, I have this as well with work and my family in Canada and my family here, hard to focus for me as well. Hang in there ! Your amazing

  2. jakanad April 18, 2022 / 4:45 pm

    Hi Sophie,

    It’s really refreshing and cognizant of you to notice that you don’t deal with a lot of theses issues so they may be harder for you to find. That’s an honest truth, that said you were ale to find one and produce a well thought out project.

  3. mccullj7 April 19, 2022 / 12:11 am

    Hey Sophie,

    I agree that it can be hard to find something for the given prompts in this class, I have often been stumped. I think a problem we often encounter is trying to find the perfect idea. Only issue is that its almost impossible. It is best to just pick something and run with it, if it doesn’t work then pivot to something else. And camping on the beach sounds like a lot of fun! goodluck this quarter.

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