The evidence pitch was good. I feel like confident in what I am doing. I don’t remember getting a lot of constructive feedback, mostly just clarifying questions and reassurance I am on the right track. I really enjoyed creating the pitch deck for it. I am just going to continue doing what I have been doing. I know quite a bit about my customer base. I still have more questions that I want to ask. I know that for most people spirituality is a very personal thing and represents a lot of different things to everyone who considers themself spiritual. They also prefer to practice spirituality alone because of this. I also know that this is not an end to a meet for most. It is a lifestyle and mindset more than anything it seems.
For most of the quarter, I have been sticking with interview questions that all relate to one broader question. I then make a vpc for that set of questions and test cards. I feel that having larger curiosities allows me to get into the nitty gritty of them and ask detailed questions to really find out what people think, feel, and do. I want to create more surveys and I want to find more people. They feel hidden… or maybe I am hiding.
I have to be honest I am feeling really tired. I feel like I am just going through the motions. I don’t feel I am learning too many new skills and I feel a little stagnant. I am also really ready for summer. My brain is burning out. But I feel like I can still do things I can be proud of. Having summer to look forward to as well as my 20th birthday is the light at the end of the tunnel.
outside of E&I…. I found this memory in Google photos of a painting I was working on. Also featuring my huge aloe plant that has since been reduced to a measly 3 leaves thanks to the cats I live with :/
Hi Sophie,
Going through the motions is exactly right. I’m at a point where I occasionally feel like I’m doing things just to get them done and I hate that. Every experience should be intentional and I can’t wait to hit the reset button on my mind and body.
Hi Sophie!
You did a great job of providing all of your evidence in your pitch. It was very easy to follow and understand everything you have learned about the spiritual community. It sounds like you have a good system for collecting evidence this quarter. I agree, this quarter has left especially long for some reason leaving us all feeling tired I think. I am definitely looking forward to summer too!
Hey Sophie,
Spirituality is a really interesting subject of focus, because like you said, it means something different to every person you ask. You got this dude! From your last few entries, you seem really drained…. I know what that’s like, and it’s really hard, but so worth pushing through till the end. Home stretch baby.
Your cat sounds like a little menace….most of them are to plants…..
Your evidence pitch was actually so amazing. I am not just blowin smoke. I don’t think you got a lot of constructive criticism because you weren’t making an offering, and what you were researching was really clear. IDK if you can tell but I also feel quite brunt. I think we gotta crash land this quarter.
Hey Sophie!
oof I feel this! It seems like everyone is really burnt out this year especially. We are all very much in need of a break. I am sad to have missed your evidence pitch! sounds like it was amazing based on these comments! It sounds like you have a really solid understanding of your customer base so great work there! I am sorry to hear about your plant:( that is so rough! I hope it can regrow and recover!
Hey Darren,
Goodluck with the rest of this quarter, I understand how you feel when you say you feel you are just going through the motions, and not learning a whole lot. I recommend trying to do your own thing, so it feels “worth it”. Use what you have learned so far to try and pursue something outside of class. Goodluck
I meant, sophie lol sorry!