(I am going to try and revamp my website over the next couple of weeks so bear with me as I clean it up. :))

Okay, so this is my very rough board. I chose some things about nature and travel because two of my big goals are to travel this summer and spend more time in nature whenever I can. Even I feel unmotivated to do so. I also put the friends cast on there because I really like the idea of having a group of friends that you can come to for anything and do anything with. I want to really solidify and strengthen my current relationships. I have so many lovely friends who are creative and talented and adventurous and I eagerly want to spend more time with them. (Covid and school and the snow have made that tricky in the recent weeks. I miss them dearly.) I put some dogs on there because anyone who knows me knows I. Love. Dogs. I want to spend more time with my pup.
The books and the paint palette represent my yearning to do more of both of those things. I think reading is relaxing and productive and it makes me feel nice so I have a goal to read more this year. I’m also an artist. It has taken me a while to consider myself one and think of myself as such but I finally have started recognizing that that’s what I am, that’s what I love to do! I have been feeling really unmotivated to create and I think I am starting to leave the rut I was stuck in.
Lastly, I have a random outfit I found. I think that clothing, for me personally, is really important. The way I dress directly affects my mood and vise versa. For example, if I am feeling bad I might opt for sweat pants and a T-shirt. But sometimes if I am feeling bad I will put on an outfit that makes me feel good about myself/body. I would like to find and work on my own style even more than I already have. I love the idea of upcycling clothes and making them into completely new items. I want to make my wardrobe original and make it so it reflects me and how I view myself.
An entrepreneur to me is someone who finds creative original solutions to problems they encounter. I am not sure what my role in it is. I think my current role would be a student. I am learning about entrepreneurship and how it can become a part of my life. So far it is helping me figure out who I am and what I want from myself and the world. I think in the future I will be able to call myself an entrepreneur and feel like one too. I think I have a lot more to learn and do before I feel like I can call myself one. At least for myself personally. I am an entrepreneur in training!