Make a paper midi keyboard! Community Workshop #2

All are welcome to attend the second community workshop in the Art Annex [future home of the STEAM Center]. This week, Friday, from 2PM – 3:30PM, Assistant Professor of Sculpture and Expanded Media will be demonstrating how to make a midi keyboard out of paper, paint and the Touch Board circuit board. We’ll also dip a toe into coding with Arduino to make proximity sensing sonic objects.

RSVP to reserve a touchboard.

If you own an iPhone or iPad, download Garageband and bring it to the workshop. We will show you how to connect it to one of our Touchboards. Or just come by to watch and learn.

When: Friday, November 11, 2:00PM – 3:30PM. Where: Art Annex AA152  What: Community Workshop #2 – Touch Board DIY Midi


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