Woodring College of Education
SEC 410 Dynamics of Teaching
Required of all secondary students the first quarter in the program. Methods and active learning of the use of visuals, vocals and verbals in becoming a better teacher/communicator in order to perfect teaching-learning as an expressive art. Examines differences in usage of the 3 “Vs” within multiple cultures. (Previous course title was “The Teacher As Actor”) Enrollment restricted to students accepted to the Secondary Education Department.
*Note: This course is only open to Secondary Education students.
EDUC 309 Storytelling: Oral Narrative in History, Culture, and Society
Current trends and interdisciplinary applications of storytelling. Selection, adaptation and presentation of stories for various settings and audiences, with focus on the history of oral narrative traditions, cultural perspectives, and societal impact.
*Note: This course is accepted as a General Undergraduate Requirement in the area of Communication Block B. This course is offered every quarter and is open to all WWU students.
EDUC 409 Advanced Storytelling
(Prerequisite: EDUC 309 and/or permission of instructor). Training in public storytelling performance in community and educational settings. Emphasizes personal performance development, practical public experience, storytelling teaching methods, and advanced study of the history and current trends in the growing field of storytelling.
*Note: This course is not currently scheduled separately but is cross-listed with EDUC 309 as an online/hybrid course.
EDUC 405 Children’s Literature: Appreciation and Presentation of Literature for Children and Adolescents
Explore the wonderful world of children’s literature and discover ways to bring the page alive for all age-groups in classroom, home, and community settings. This course emphasizes wide reading of genres, book selection, dramatic presentation and innovative uses. The primary focus is on enhancing appreciation for the literature available for pre-school through teen audiences and how to present this literature in a way that inspires a love of literature, diverse learning and lifelong reading, using oral interpretation, reader’s theatre and storytelling techniques.
*Note: This course will be offered as an online course for summer quarter.
EDUC 320 Readers Theater
Adaptation of fiction and nonfiction into script form for K-12 classroom. Emphasis on teaching creative writing, literature appreciation, teamwork, and oral skills development.
*Note: This course is not currently scheduled.