Don't stress!

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Reviewing the Process

While the questions we asked are, without a doubt, factors that contribute to stress; there’s more to the tell and discover about the causes and ways to combat the stress.  The fact that being undeclared itself is a cause for… Continue Reading →

What Can You Do For You?

Here are some ways you can advocate for yourself and others:   Suicide Prevention Hotline: (1-800-273-8255)   Make a counselors appointment, it’s free!   Mental health apps and resources:   Workshops open to everyone:   Suicide Prevention:… Continue Reading →

Some Things To Know

Stress has always been a part of lives of students in general and studies have shown that there’s an increase of scholarly stress. While anxiety and depression are on the way to being destigmatized, it’s a prevalent problem in lives… Continue Reading →

What we Found

To destress, we found that 64% of students are currently using methods like watching television, spending time with friends, and listening to music.   We found that on average,  61% of our respondents have anxiety and 31% have depression. However,… Continue Reading →

The foundation for stress among students

Our research topic consists of studying the effects of different methods student’s practice to relieve stress as a result of their academic life. We decided to study students of all backgrounds and majors to see if specific methods student’s are… Continue Reading →

Graphs and Data

Here’s a breakdown of those affected by being undeclared.   Hours of studying per week with an average of 3 to 7 hours   Students experiencing stress this quarter seems to be average

What We Learned

We felt that this study would’ve caused more stress on both us and the participants if we had asked them to add, log, and continue a stress-fighting technique. However, an experiment that details a student’s path to dealing with stress… Continue Reading →

The Study

First, we were considering conducting an experiment to see if specific stress relieving methods would help more than others, but we had come to the realization that not only would that complicate results, but add more stress onto the students…. Continue Reading →


Our research question, “How are students handling stress from school, and what factors play a role?The role of stress is prevalent in the lives of students, especially when it comes to academics and succeeding in that respect. The individual’s ability… Continue Reading →

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