
Out of the 62 responses we received from the survey/google form was mostly filled out by freshman at WWU.

Only about 6% of the people who answered out survey said that they never listened to music. 16% of people said that they always listened to music. The rest of the responses aren’t very helpful but we do get to see that more people answered that they do listened to music while they study then the ones who answered that they never listen to music. It strengthens our conclusion that people do listen to music while they study.


Now do people feel like music helps them study? We concluded that yes it does. 24.5% of people said that they find that music absolutely helps them while they study. There was 14.3% of people who said that it doesn’t which is less than the ones mentioned above.

Overall we now know that people do listen to music while they study and that it does help them listen concentrate BUT what we didn’t find out was what specific genres helped people focus more. The questions we put to help us figure out genres were too broad because we left it as a short answer response which made our data all over the place. That is something that we would change in the future to come up with more reliable data.