

The idea of the research question as to how technology has affected each generation was sparked by how much we rely on technology today. We took the idea of communication and technology and compared Generation Z (Born 1995-2012) and Xennials (Born 1975-1985) on how technology has affected how they communicate. Two surveys, one for PhoneGIFGeneration Z and one for Xennials, and observations were conducted to gather data. This research is important because that it helps identify how we can predict how future generations will depend on technology to communicate and identify the positive and negative effects that could have. This research will help give an insight on how technology has impacted the first two generations to live in a world of technology.

This research helps us connect to literacy by showing how the most popular form of communication, texting, amongst others, have taken over and evolved reading and writing. Texting, websites, were made two decades ago and eBooks three decades ago, which is why we chose to do the two generations who grew up with the technology. Xennials saw the rise of the technology boom and Generation Z grew up with technology. This gives us two views of how each depends on technology and their trust for it, via similarities and differences.

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