Findings: Does Technology and Communication Affect Interaction?

[y-axis: 3=neutral, 1=completely disagree, 5=completely agree] [x-axis: question number]

The data suggests that in question 3 (I share private or personal information with close friends/family over technology) Xennials felt way less comfortable sharing information online than Generation Z did. This could be because Xennials are more aware of how sensitive information is and how easily susceptible it is to being stolen. Another observation that can be drawn is that Generation Z communicates through technology more as seen in question 1(I spend more than 7 hours a day online/using technology) and 2(I send an average of 130 texts a day). Surveyors in Generation Z tended to agree that they send more than the average amount of text per day, whereas Xennials disagreed with the statement saying they send less than the average amount of 130 text per day. We can also see similarities in how each generation uses technology like questions 4 through 6 which ask about the use of technology and it’s impacts. The fact that the internet may have negative affects connects with Manoj Sharma said in his article Technology Addiction Survey: An Emerging Concern for Raising Awareness and Promotion of Healthy Use of Technology by showing that technology can have a negative affect on health and awareness. Observing the graph at a larger scale, it can be found that Xennials and Generation Z are pretty similar in most aspects involving using technology to communicate. The only questions with outcomes where the two generations differed were the first three.

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