
Harman, Jeffrey P., et al. “Liar, Liar: Internet Faking but Not Frequency of Use Affects Social Skills, Self-Esteem, Social Anxiety, and Aggression.” CyberPsychology & Behavior, vol. 8, no. 1, Feb. 2005, pp. 1–6. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1089/cpb.2005.8.1.

Desjarlais, Malinda, and Jessica J. Joseph. “Socially Interactive and Passive Technologies Enhance Friendship Quality: An Investigation of the Mediating Roles of Online and Offline Self-Disclosure.” CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, vol. 20, no. 5, May 2017, pp. 286–291. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1089/cyber.2016.0363.

Sharma, Manoj Kumar, et al. “Technology Addiction Survey: An Emerging Concern for Raising Awareness and Promotion of Healthy Use of Technology.” Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, vol. 39, no. 4, July 2017, pp. 495–499. EBSCOhost, doi:10.4103/IJPSYM.IJPSYMpass:[_]171_17.

Survey Questions (Rated on a scale of 1-5; 1 being completely disagree; 5 being completely agree):

  1. I spend more than 7 hours a day online.
  2. I send an average of 130 text per day.
  3. I share private/personal information with close family/friends over technology.
  4. Technology plays a large (50%+) role in my life.
  5. Technology has affected my life and how I operate.
  6. Technology has made me more productive.
  7. I use technology mainly for school/work.
  8. I balance screen time and school/work evenly.
  9. I could live without Technology.
  10. I rely on technology to communicate with friends, co-workers, etc…

Picture credits: – Phone GIF – Science GIF

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