Category: 2 Background: The Importance

Behind The Project: The Importance

This research will show how the first generation (Xennials) grew up with technology and how they reacted to the rise of technology boom, versus how the second generation (Generation Z) grew up and reacted to the technology boom. We can then take the trends and apply it to future generations and see how they may react to the growing technology and how it’ll affect interaction with others. This will also show how people communicate with other people and how those ways in which people communicate, are constantly evolving each day. The importance of this project is that it helps show the relationship between generations and the use of technology and communication in relation with interaction. It shows how we went from using letters and written messages, to emailing and instant messages, in such a short amount of time, and the impact it has had on different generations.

Society has come a long way in technological advancements and we wanted to see the impact it has had on different generations. Being from Generation Z, we found it interesting as to if the rise in technology has had a negative or positive (if any) impact on the generations interaction with one another and how they feel using technology. A big aspect of this research was looking at how technology and communication has changed interaction with other people, whether it be for work, school, or social purposes. What follows on the next web page is the data collected between each generation and the similarities and differences between each generation.

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