Category: 5 The Conclusion

Conclusion: Technology and Communication with Interaction

Going into this research, we expected to see technology affect communication negatively and see that Generation Z spends more time online, and is more comfortable with sending information than Xennials are. After reading three articles about how technology can cause people to become more vulnerable in all aspects of life and start to reply on technology due to easy access. Each article came to the conclusion that technology could both positively affect communication and interaction but also affect it negatively if abused and replied too heavily on. With the three scholarly articles and the data we collected from our observations and surveys, it was clear how the data was similar to what the articles found.

Given the observations and survey responses, it’s fair to conclude that although Xennials and Generation Z tend to use technology evenly and its had a similar impact on both generations. Generation Z uses technology to communicate more than Xennials do. Xennials use technology more for work related purposes rather than day to day communication. This could be because they have less time than Generation Z because Xennials, for the most part, have full time jobs and aren’t in school anymore and even though the majority of work places use technology in their work place, it is primarily used for working rather than communication. The reason that Generation Z might be using technology more to communicate is because school is where people become socially active and its all apart of the system. Knowing this it’s reasonable to conclude that Generation Z uses technology to communicate more than Xennials do but seem to also have some negative affects like not paying attention.

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