Category: 3 Methodology: Why?

Methodology of Technology and Communication

We decided to gather data by doing two surveys (One for Generation Z and one for Xennials). Each survey would have the same amount of questions and the same questions, in the same order to maintain controlled testing and there is less variability. The survey had 10 questions all rating between 1 to 5 with 1 being completely disagree and 5 being completely agree. We also did observations in Red Square (The middle of campus). Here we were observing how people interact with friends and on their phone. We looked at who was walking with friends and if they were on their phone while walking with friend. WeScienceGIF also looked at people walking alone and whether they were walking while looking at their phone or without it. Our goal for doing the surveys and observations was to try and get the most accurate data because when people do surveys they tend to think more about what they’re trying to answer, whereas when people are just in their natural day to day functions, it’s easier to observe and more honest if they know don’t know they’re being observed.

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