Western WordPress Terms of Services
Western Washington University provides services for web publishing in support of our institutional mission. The WordPress environment is particularly beneficial for academic portfolios and blogging. WordPress offers numerous, mobile-friendly themes appropriate for individuals and groups. Administrative departments using WordPress for publicly visible sites must use the theme with Western branding (WWU Genesis).
Governing Policies
By using web publishing services provided by Western, you agree to observe all applicable laws and university policies, including but not limited to:
Policy for Responsible Computing
Policy for Using University Resources
User Agreement for WWU Network and Computing Resources
Policy on Use of Copyrighted Materials
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Student Rights and Responsibilities Code
Access and Visibility
Authorization to view the contents of a WordPress site is controlled by the individual site owners. Access can be limited to specified individuals who hold a Western account, or made visible to all Western-account holders, as well as to anyone on the Internet. To Change Blog Privacy, see the options under Settings > Reading > Site Visibility. If you are contributing to another person’s site, recognize that the visibility of that contribution could change. In order to best protect students’ privacy, blog contributions assigned by faculty should have their visibility limited to the members of the class.