Bailey and Devin

The Authors

Bailey Stauffer is a first-year student at Western Washington University. She has decided to major in English, and hopes to be a teacher someday, because she loves working with kids. She graduated high school just a few months ago, and is thoroughly enjoying the college life. She works part time at an assisted living center, and enjoys every moment of it. She loves to write stories, read, create art, and perform in musicals and plays. She also has a passion for mythology and folklore, which was a driving force for the webtext she created with her partner.

After taking part in an English 101 class, she believes she has grown as a writer; not only in content, structure, and style, but in confidence as well. She has had the opportunity to write in varying genres this quarter; a huge step from composing simple five paragraph essays with no real meaning. Bailey has also had the chance to incorporate her personal interests into her writing, which is something she has never gotten to do before. She believes that her best piece in that class was their first project, the literacy narrative. She feels that she is able to use figurative language in an effective manner, which was reflected in that piece.

Bailey’s final project in her English class, the partner webtext, is about the recurring theme of one’s fate in varying mythologies. She is excited to show off her new knowledge of those myths, and the hard work she put into the project itself. She hopes that all of her readers enjoy!


Devin McManus has loved storytelling since she could talk. Even at a young age, she was creating fairy tales to tell to her brother as bedtime stories. She was always reading, as much a she could get her hands on, and most would consider her a bookworm.

She started writing books her sophomore year of high school, when she discovered a writing website called “Wattpad.” She’s been writing ever since. Currently, she has several ideas for novels, and many of them are about superheroes. However, she rarely publishes them because of the inconsistency of her writing schedule, which is due to lack of time or inspiration. She hopes to finish her first novel, Not A Hero, soon.

Devin plans on pursuing her dreams of being a novelist by majoring in creative writing, hoping to one day have a job in publishing and, eventually, start writing books full time.

It is a goal of hers to one day be able to say she’s a New York Times Bestselling author.

Myths fascinate her, and she finds inspiration for some of her novels in their ideas.

This quarter at Western, she was fortunate enough to take English 101, where her love for mythology is reflected in her research project. With her partner, Devin has worked hard to find interesting stories in different mythologies. She’s studied Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and Egyptian mythology. She’s very excited to incorporate the new ideas she’s found from her research in novels she’ll write in the future, and hopes you’ll find the topic as interesting as she did.