To serve as a regional partner and national leader in environmental toxicology and environmental chemistry research and education, and as a nonpartisan resource for the public, industry, and government.
The Institute of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (IETC) promotes the mission of the university by supporting academic programs, as well as conducting research in the field of environmental toxicology and chemistry for the benefit of undergraduate and graduate students, visiting scholars, professional colleagues, and grant-funding entities.
Prospective and current students are invited to explore the opportunities for studying, conducting research, and obtaining a degree (B.S. or M.S.) in the environmental sciences with an emphasis in environmental toxicology. The emphasis combines field sampling, lab work, and computer modeling to environmental contaminant sciences. Graduates work in government, consulting, and academia.
Other scholars and colleagues are encouraged to contact us for opportunities in conducting research, collaborating on projects, or obtaining hands-on training in constructing and using the ecological risk assessment framework, the Bayesian Network – Relative Risk Model.
Recent Publications
- Montaño et al. 2022. Exploring Nanogeochemical Environments: New Insights from Single Particle ICP-TOFMS and AF4-ICPMS.
- Landis et al. 2021. Building of the Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model for the Upper San Francisco Estuary and the
- Rauschendorfer et al. 2021. Development and Application of Nanoparticle-Nanopolymer Composite Spheres for the Study of Environmental Processes.
- Lawrence et al. 2021. Technical Memo: Incorporating Mixture Toxicity into Bayesian Networks to calculate risk to pesticides in the Upper San Francisco Estuary.e Upper San Francisco Estuary.
- Sefi-Cyr et al. 2021. Repetition is Important to Students and Their Understanding During Laboratory Courses that Include Research. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 22(2).
- WWU Alumni Association Toxicology and Societies Speaker Series. Hosted by Dr. Ruth Sofield and Dr. Tracy Collier. Toxicology and Societies.
- Master’s Thesis introduction. 2021. Sophia Boyd. Trophic Transfer of Metals.
- Association for Fire Ecology 2021. Landis. Reflections on Bayesian analysis to support landscape ecological risk assessment in the Upper Grande Ronde Watershed of INLAS
- NORCAL-SETAC 2021. Landis. A strategy for the estimation of ecological risk due to microplastics in aquatic environments using the San Francisco Bay
- PNW-SETAC 2021. Sharpe. Micro/Nanoplastic Risk Assessment for San Francisco Bay (YouTube video)