SETAC Europe 2022. Landis. Building of the Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model for the Upper San Francisco Estuary and the Analysis of Risk
WWU Alumni Association complete Toxicology and Societies Speaker Series. 2021. Toxicology and Societies
WWU Alumni Association 2021. Sofield. New Contaminant Concerns: Salish Sea Impacts
EcoRisk Projects 2021. Landis. Building of the Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model for the Upper San Francisco Estuary and the analysis of Risk
Association for Fire Ecology symposium 2021. Landis. Reflections on Bayesian analysis to support landscape ecological risk assessment in the Upper Grande Ronde Watershed of INLAS.
NORCAL-SETAC 2021. Landis. A strategy for the estimation of ecological risk due to microplastics in aquatic environments using the San Francisco Bay as a case study.
SETAC North America 2021. Sharpe. Microplastic Risk Assessment for the San Francisco Bay (video)
PNW-SETAC 2021. Sharpe. Micro/Nanoplastic Risk Assessment for the San Francisco Bay (video)
PNW-SETAC 2021. Landis. Big Data Management for Ecological Risk Assessment (video)
PNW-SETAC 2021. Landis. EcoRisk Short Course, parts 1 and 2 (video)
EcoRisk 2050. 2021. Landis. Application of Ecological Risk Assessment in the Era of Climate Change (video)
GeneConvene Global Collaborative 2021. Landis. The Application of Quantative Ecological Risk Assessment to the Release of Gene Drives (video)
WWU Institute of Toxicology and Chemistry Students 2020. Microplastics
Huxley Speaker Series 2020. Montaño. Nanoparticles: Natural and Emerging Contaminants
US Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management 2020. Landis. Risk-Based Scenario Analysis and Construction Using Bayesian Networks
SETAC 2018. Landis. Managing Risk for the California Bay-Delta, the Multiple Sources-Stressors-Habitats-Endpoints (MSSHE) Paradigm and Implementation of Adaptive Management
SETAC 2018. Landis & Carriger. An Introduction to Bayesian Networks for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
SETAC 2018. Landis et al. Managing Pesticides and the Watersheds of Washington State for the Protection of ESA Species and Economic Vitality
SETAC 2018. Lawrence et al. Integrating Climate Change Stressors and Human Health and Well-Being Endpoints into a Bayesian Network Relative Risk Model of the Skagit River Watershed
Salish Sea Conference 2018. Landis. From the molecular interactions to population risk to ecosystem services, a risk assessment adaptive management approach for the Salish Sea
Salish Sea Conference 2018. Chu. Assessing the effects of chemical mixtures using a Bayesian Network-Relative Risk Model (BN-RRM) integrating adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) in four watersheds
Salish Sea Conference 2018. Lawrence. Integrating Salish Sea climate change stressors and human health and well-being into ecological risk assessment
Salish Sea Conference 2018. Spellman. Assessing the Risk of Microplastics to Marine Nearshore Environments and Biota Using the Bayesian Network-Relative Risk Model
SETAC Europe 2017, Norwegian Institute for Water Research 2017, SETAC North America 2017. Landis et al. 435-Molecular to Landscape, the integration of adverse outcome pathways into a regional scale pesticide driven risk assessment for Chinook salmon in Puget Sound Watersheds