Season 2 Episode 4

eason Two – Episode Four
Showcase of the winning entries to the 2015 Script Contest!
Original Air Date: 03/08/2015

(1:26) Catch of the Day by Dwayne Yancey

Lois: Delaney Rogers
Edwin: Tyler Detrick
Olivia: Mallory Senter
Spike: Walter Lutsch
Narrator: Eliza Weeks

(28:41) Let’s Complain with Phyllis and Gladys by Michael Barone

Phyllis: Michael Barone
Gladys: Adam Kane
Narrator: Delaney Rogers

(32:54) Something Else by Adam Kane

Gale: Delaney Rogers
Alec: Matthew Paige
Cassandra: Mallory Senter
Leslie: Eliza Weeks
Narrator: Trent Browning

(47:42) Happy Birthday by Delaney Rogers

Michael: Tyler Detrick
Kelly: Mallory Senter
Narrator: Adam Kane

Sponsored by:
Another One Bites the Dust – The Queen Crematorium
PC Notions

Theme Music created by Kat Miller



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