Season 3 Episode 6

Season Three – Episode Six
Original Air Date: 05/23/2016

(01:19) Home by Julia Rutledge

Ebbie: Lauren Øde
TJ: Wyatt Chapman
Amber: Julia Rutledge
Ian: Jade Gage
Janice: Delaney Rogers
Brady: Walter Lutsch

(11:55) Norm by Adam Kane and Walter Lutsch

Kevin: Mitchell Parker
Norm: Quintin Fagerlie
Spike: Walter Lutsch
Barb: Liana Merrill
Steven: Wyatt Chapman
Narrator: Aubrey Dangel

(27:57) Lost Souls – Episode Three: Breach of Security
Written by Kallan Gustafson
Directed by Adam Kane
Produced by Kallan Gustafson

Sam Finley: Lauren Øde
Dr. Laura Williams: Aubrey Dangel
Maximillian Kramer VII: Mitchell Parker
ACHIM: Wyatt Chapman
Henry: Trent Browning
Head of Security: Liana Merrill
Security Guard: Adam Kane


Sound Effects and Music Attribution

VRT Theme Music created by Kat Miller

Selections from Holst’s “The Planets” performed by United States Air Force Heritage of America Band

Pneumatic_door.wav” by primeval_polypod



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