literacy as a resource becomes available to ordinary people largely through the mediations of more powerful sponsors

When I was in 7th grade for my humanities class each person in the class had to write a 10-page play. Up until this point in school, I was not very good at writing at all and was struggling with the idea on how I was going to complete the 10-page play well in such a small amount of time. I had always struggled with school work and especially writing because of my learning disabilities and always had to get extra help from the school and tutors. Our teacher had brought in writers from the theater on class days to help us with the paper, but it barely helped and I was still struggling. Finally, I realized I wasn’t going to be able to do this on my own, even with the additional help from the school so I went and talked to my mom about getting a tutor. My mom did some looking around on websites and found a lady who seemed pretty good and that lived near our neighborhood. The next day my mom drove me over to the tutor after school and we arrived at Susan’s. She was an old lady who lived on a small farm and we worked out of the barn. As soon as I sat down with her we started working on my play and she just had me read through my paper out loud and pay attention to things that didn’t sound quite right or make sense. Then I would fix my mistake and we would work together to try and use better words than what I picked. Before I turned my play in I went to Susan’s a few more times and kept working on my play and it was not only helping me write a good play, but it was also helping me become better at writing. When I finally turned it in I did good for myself and got a high B which I was happy about. For the rest of middle school and my high school career, I would always go to Susan for help on my papers. Now I’m in college and I can’t get help from her as much, but I will always remember the lessons she has taught me.

One thought on “literacy as a resource becomes available to ordinary people largely through the mediations of more powerful sponsors

  1. Thanks for sharing your personal narrative! It illustrates the influence of external support, such as the involvement of the student’s mother and the engagement of a dedicated tutor, or in the modern world writing service. You can read at article that tells about reliable assistance from professionals you can hire to complete your homework. All the students need personalized support in education and attention for developing literacy skills.

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