Literacy Sponsorship Extension Project

I wanted to work with bright colors for my literacy narrative conversion. To me, colors easily transfer to emotions and feelings. I wanted to further express the emotions that I went through during the short time that my literacy narrative covered. It was a time of growth and newfound hope. My written narrative told the story of how my literacy sponsor shaped me into the writer I am today. This new medium allows for a visual representation of each emotion I felt.

The left corner of my painting is dark blue because, at the time, I was in a state of deep sadness and unfulfillment. Since my parents’ divorce a few years prior I had felt depressed. Everything was more dull. I had a broken support system. The people closest to me didn’t work together well enough to provide me with a happy home life.

The next color, yellow, represents the happiness I felt when Bailey entered my life. Bailey was a bubbly little girl who I was instantly drawn to. Her lively personality oozed joy. This vivacious 10 year old would grow to become my very best friend. She allowed me to become bigger than just a girl from a messed up home. Without her I would surely still be hanging out in my hometown with my only aspiration being to work at my dad’s’ cafe.

My bond with Bailey allowed me to become more self-assured in my endeavors. My courage grew, in turn, with my passion for life. Red became my color. I felt restored and strong after being in an emotional rut for years.

I wanted to try new things because of this confidence and maturity I had recently gained. I convinced Bailey to skip recess with me and see if Mrs. Barich, our favorite second grade teacher, needed any help in the classroom. As soon as we entered the room, the smell of buttery popcorn invaded our noses. The smell grew to become one of my favorites because it meant I was allowed to be myself in the space. To this day, whenever I go to the movie theatre I am reminded of my time in Mrs. Barich’s class and I feel instantly relaxed.

The orange in my painting represents the most creative and fun period I had ever had in my life. I was so optimistic for the future because I was finally supported by not only my friend but also a superior that I looked up to.

Dark green is the color of strong growth. In Mrs. Barich’s class I was allowed to flourish. Over the year I worked with her I developed my social and academic skills so much. Her faith in me helped me improve myself on many levels. She fostored my literacy so deeply that I continue to be dramatically changed by her involvement.

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