Our Literacy Narratives As Coexisting Equals

    Our literacy narratives were extremely different from the start of the project, with one of us writing about horror stories, and the other writing about light-hearted stories of adventure. With our two subjects being the near antithesis of each other, in terms of color and emotional content, we decided to make this contrast the focus of our collage. We used color as sparingly as possible, making sure to only use it to highlight the central figure of our piece: a young boy walking along a path made of color. Through this, the emotions of wanderlust and curiosity are evoked, the main catalysts of adventure that make you look for new experiences, despite the frightening unknown that can surround you; the quickest way through this unknown being forward, instead of backward. The lion, an image of victory and justice, stands opposite of the raven, an image of death and decay, as a representation of the coexistence of light in the darkness, and darkness in light. When you see the lion, you think of it as the king of the savannah, unparalleled in their kingdom. When placed in the darkness, you realize that there cannot be darkness or horror without a ray of light or hope present, no matter how small it may be. Similarly, when you see the raven, you realize there may be darkness in times of happiness or excitement. Through these instances of contrast, our literacy narratives are presented as coexisting equals.

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