
Artist’s Statement

By Brianna McGovern and Elli Sandberg

When making this collage, we put a lot of focus on picking images that represented our individual literacy narratives as well as the themes that our narratives shared. Both of our literacy narratives had elements of struggling with reading, so we tried to convey this using various design choices. For example, our collage uses the proximity of images very purposefully. All of the images are more or less evenly spaced from each other, but there are many images overlapping or very close to other images, creating a cluttered, messy, nervous feeling. Our collage also uses alignment- certain images such as the hand reaching for the book are placed on the page to look like they are interacting with each other and direct the viewer’s focus. Another example is how the images of the face of eyes and the face cutting its eye are overlapped, and also more or less centered in the page. The overlaid image of a book with the words falling off the page also uses aspects of alignment, because it is centered and covers most of the collage, while pointing to the images in the center of the page. The overlaid words also contribute to the lack of contrast in this image, helping all of the images to blend together so nothing stands out too much. This lack of contrast helps all of the images be of equal importance, and also contributes to the cluttered, messy feeling because there isn’t a sense of direction in the image.

The collage does not use repetition much, though there are some recurring images. Books are used a few times in a variety of ways, as are eyes and whales. The use of eyes in the collage represent the main problem in Brianna’s narrative, and demonstrates how reading feels to her in  her mind. The overlapping pictures of the head cutting the area where the eye would be, and the head with multiple eyes, are perfect examples of the irritating, and painful feeling reading brings. The repeating images of whales in the collage are representative more of Elli’s narrative- to her, the whales represent the struggle she faced while reading Moby Dick. In Moby Dick, whales are described as leviathans- powerful, monstrous, and majestic beasts to be chased. To Elli, reading this book felt like hunting a leviathan, so the whales are included in the collage to show that struggle.

3 thoughts on “Perseverance

  1. Amazing collage that have such a deep ground! It looks like a narrative in image. I used to study design earlier, but I was dropped for the first year because of low grades. Now, it is my second attempt and I always use to submit research tasks. I am so inspired by your work, and I would love to have the high-quality image to print it. Could you please share an image with me?

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