Before and After

Our collage’s design flow starts in the bottom left corner with a sign literally saying where the moment will take place, this is a good symbol for both of our sponsorship stories because it was the opposite in real life. Neither of us knew our moments were going to change our lives but they did. The sign leads the eyes up the stairs to what the sun rays represent as the moment where time stopped and we felt a new understanding of literacy. The sunrays and the clock symbolize our past experiences and how they impacted us so profoundly that they shape our appreciation for learned literacy today.  In both our stories we had a moment where everything changed. Our collage is different because it has two halves split in the middle, one is bleak but the other side is exciting chaos, we choose to make the alignment in this way because it is almost as if it was a timeline, from life before the moment and after the moment of our new understanding. Through literature, the books, we had new goals in life. His new goal was to graduate and go to college shown by the cap and diploma. Her goal was to experience more emotions symbolized by the party supplies. As you eyes are drawn down the right side of the collage you see that along these journeys strong emotions are felt. They are symbolized in fire (passion) and a heart (love).  We were both introduced to new knowledge (the owl) through these feelings. It ends in a strawberry vine showing a fruitful new life – fresh and bright! Each individual picture in the collage is important as it depicts the timeline of our shared experience of learned knowledge and literacy. We believe this shows both of our moments to the viewer, but we also believe this collage can represent many people’s literacy sponsorship.

Evarosa and Aros

2 thoughts on “Before and After

  1. Your collage vividly portrays the transformative power of literacy sponsorship, capturing key moments that reshaped your lives. The split design serves as a compelling timeline, symbolizing life before and after these impactful experiences. If you ever decide to articulate these experiences in writing, services like could provide excellent support and writing assistance. It was a great help for all my writing needs the last year in college. Great work!

  2. This collage really shows these two moments. I like this collage because of its brightness. If I had to write about it in my article, I would use this site, which has free sample essays. I would describe this collage in my article and it would be a great idea. That’s right, I’m off to write an article while I have the inspiration.

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