Extension E – Genre Study of a Scholarship Application

(Step 3)

Going to the WWU Scholarship site really helps me to focus on what makes a scholarship essay stand out from the rest. One of the most important guidelines to follow is to write with your audience in mind. Take into account their background and why they are offering this type of scholarship. In my case, I was writing a scholarship for a Computer Science Conference, Grace Hopper, that aims to provide a space for women in a major that is not traditionally welcoming to people of color or women. Knowing this, I was advised by my older peers and faculty members to write about my experience of being a person of color and also a women in stem.

I was also advised to talk about my past, about my family and what made me different than most of the other people applying for the reward. However, you want to focus on your audience. What questions they ask you should be the first things that you answer in context.

Organize your essay with your strongest foot forward and if the space allows, develop your ideas into paragraphs. I highly recommend that you talk to a faculty member and get a second pair of eyes on your writing.

Purdue Online Writing Lab also offers ways to explore the genre, including tutorials on how to write a good resume and cover letter. I highly recommend researching how to make a resume before applying for a new job as your college resume will vary greatly from a high school one.

At the very end, always review the prompt and ask yourself honestly if you answered the question that the Essay was asking for.  At the very end of your scholarship essay, always reread your last paragraph. This is the last thing the person reading your essay will think of you. Does it reflect your ideas and your thoughts? Does it feel complete?

Scholarships are always a hard topic to write for and sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming to think about but keep in mind; Writing essays will get easier the more you do it. At the end of the day, you just need to showcase the best side of yourself and have confidence in your ability. You can definitely do this.