Support the WWU Wakeboard Team
If you’d like to make a donation to our team please visit the Western Foundation page and select WWU Wakeboard Sport Club under Support Area!
Why Support Us?
We may be one of WWU’s smallest sports clubs but we have the biggest heart! We love our sport so much that we drive hours just to ride. We cross one international border for our regular riding in almost freezing-cold water, and we cross at least two state borders just so we can compete. We need help in order to ride consistently though! Our cable park in Canada only lets us ride one-at-a-time, and it’s also not available to us from December to March. During these winter months we dream of riding 5-point full-system cables in the California sun and competing against our fellow shredders. Help our dreams become reality by donating to our team’s Western Foundation today!
Where Does the Money Go?
By donating to our Western Foundation you will be directly supporting our efforts to train, compete, and host a WWU collegiate competition. You would be helping us with our equipment expenses including boards, bindings, helmets, and lifejackets. Your support has a huge impact on our ability to travel. We rely on fundraising in order to afford travel costs like van rentals, gas, accommodations, and food. Western Foundation donations also help us with competition fees and cable park passes. You will also see our WWU collegiate competition come to life with your donations by helping us with expenses like World Wake Association sanctioning and lake rentals.