Lambert, L., Warren, M. A., Schwam, A.*, & Warren, M. T. (2021). Positive psychology interventions in the United Arab Emirates: Boosting wellbeing – and changing culture? Current Psychology.
The science of wellbeing has grown and universities in particular have adopted the challenge of prioritizing the wellbeing of students. Positive psychology interventions (PPIs), the empirical activities designed to increase the frequency of positive emotions and experiences, and which help to facilitate the use of actions and thoughts that lead to human flourishing, are being increasingly used. Known to boost wellbeing and a number of other variables, it nonetheless remains unknown whether their use can influence other variables in non-Western cultures. In this study, we determined the impact of PPIs on educational locus of control, somatization, adherence to individualism and collectivism, and stress in university students. The 6-week PPI program was conducted in the United Arab Emirates on Emirati university students who reported more positive emotion and overall balance of feelings that favored positivity over time relative to a control group, and reduction in fear of happiness. Yet, there was no effect on life satisfaction, perceived stress, locus of control, or somatic symptoms, and no effect on levels of collectivism or individualism. Our findings support the use of PPIs in higher education as they show no negative impact on culture; still, continued research on the effects of PPIs at a global level is warranted.
*Allison Schwam is a MS psychology student at Western.