Optimism, psychosomatic disorders, life stressors in Yemen

Haider, S. M., Saleh, M. A. Q., Bawazir, A. A., Warren, M. A., Meyer, S.*, & Inocencio, S. (2021). Short reports: Exploring the role of optimism on psychosomatic disorders and life stressors among Yemeni medical students. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 7, 122-139.

A predictor of health and wellbeing, psychological assets like optimism take on particular importance in countries like Yemen. In this first positive psychology study conducted in the country, we examine the relationship between optimism, pessimism, psychosomatic disorders, and life stressors among 160 male and 97 female university medical students. They completed the Arab List of Optimism and Pessimism (ALOP), Psychosomatic Disorders Scale (PDS), and Life Stressors Scale (LSS). Results showed that the difference in means of optimism between males and females was not significant; yet, female participants reported higher pessimism. There was also no statistically significant difference between male and female reports of stressful life events; yet, males reported higher psychosomatic disorders. For both males and females, significant positive correlations were found between (1) pessimism and psychosomatic disorders, (2) pessimism and life stressors, and (3) psychosomatic disorders and life stressors. This study carries implications for emotional management skills training for university students, particularly in war-afflicted environments, as well as the bolstering role of optimism and adaptive role of pessimism.

*Sierra Meyer, BS psychology, business minor from Western assisted on this projectÂ