
I teach courses on Management and Organizational Behavior (MGMT 311) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations (MGMT 481).

Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior 

In this course, students gather scientific resources and develop evidence-based products such as blogs or presentations that are featured on the course website. The goal is for students to serve as producers and synthesizers of cutting-edge knowledge on management, leadership, and organizational behavior, and feature their work for prospective employers, businesses, and the general public. To view the portfolio of student work conducted in this course, please visit –

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations 

Through open discussion on a variety of issues on inequity and difference, exposure to diverse leading voices, and hands-on experiential learning, students gain knowledge and skills on managing a diverse workforce. For their culminating project, students display their growing expertise by developing high-quality comprehensive presentations on a critical topic in diversity, equity, inclusion, and culture. Their work is accessible to prospective employers, businesses, and the general public. To view the portfolio of student work conducted in this course, please visit –