Christensen, S., Winkelman, K.*, & Aguilar, L.* (2020). Short Reports: The female load: The cost of productivity during COVID-19. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 107-119.
The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of gender differences on the impact of Working From Home (WFH) arrangements on perceived levels of employee productivity and anxiety during the COVID-19 restrictions. Due to the nature of the recent global pandemic, the world of work has had to evolve to meet the needs of organizations and employees alike. For many, this has meant a shift from office to home-based working, resulting in the significant blurring of work and home lives. While WFH has brought opportunities and benefits for both genders, it has also brought challenges in terms of wellbeing, productivity and the potential for burnout. In this study of 121 participants, our data supported previous research that suggested WFH heightened productivity and work engagement but only in the male population. Conversely, working mothers and female primary breadwinners reported significantly higher levels of anxiety compared to men, while also exhibiting higher levels of productivity. The latter finding is of concern to organizations and women alike; what is the long-term cost of this anxiety, albeit productive, for women who face a double shift while working from home? What does it mean for workplace wellbeing as well?
*Under my mentorship, Katie Winkelman (Western graduate 2020) and Leslie Aguilar (current Western student) conducted data analysis and wrote up some of the research findings for this paper. In the process, we collaborated with Sarah Christensen, a consultant, occupational therapist and DEI expert, located in the United Arab Emirates.