Univerals Design for Learning is an in-depth topic which can require an investment of time to incorporate into your course design. To get you started, here are some very basic principles adapted from the ERIC/OSEP special report on UDL.
- Caption all audio.
- Provide content complete alt text for all educationally relevant graphics.
- Caption video and provide transcription of live meetings.
- Provide text based materials in digital format using headings and numbered lists.
- Provide cognitive support for content and activities:
- Chunk content in manageable sized pieces
- Provide scaffolding
- Build learning through practice
- Provide assessments for background knowledge, knowledge comprehension checks, and to give feedback on progress in learning
- Summarize big ideas
- Be clear about your goals and methods
- Check your materials for accessibility.
- Quick tips from Western’s DAC: https://disability.wwu.edu/faculty/accessible-online-course-design
- One in-depth tool you can use is the OSCQR Online Course Review Rubric which will lead you through the process. https://oscqr.suny.edu/
Additional Resources
Orkwis, R., & McLane, K. (1998). A curriculum every student can use: Design principles for student access. ERIC/OSEP Topical Brief. Reston, VA: ERIC/OSEP Special Project on Interagency Information Dissemination. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED423654).